Leader of The Month


Jhon MichaelTalens

Leader ofThe Month


"Biogreen Science is the answer my future"

Ambitious and Kind Man

“Ambitious and Kind Man”

Despite of his age, Jhon Michael Talens can be an inspiration for many people with his big ambition and kind heart. He worked as an account specialist at BPL Company. His mom, Eden Talens was the person who introduce Biogreen Science product to him. At that time, Jhon had an allergy problem on all over his body. Therefore, his mom asked him to consume Applesc. He was shocked since, all the allergies were gone. From that moment, he is interested to know more Biogreen Science product’s benefit.

He joined Biogreen at January 2018 and his mom was the person that influenced him a lot in doing many things for example, doing a good presentation, product information, and etc. It was really easy for him to introduce the product to Philippine people due to its benefits. Besides, he can prove the product’s benefit through his body which feel the benefits before.

For him, his mother is the biggest motivation in his life. Jhon saw his mother’s struggle and perseverance in doing the business from zero. Due to his mother’s struggle, he was really inspired and set a big dream for being a billionaire. He also want to have Ferrari just like Founder and CEO of Biogreen Science, Mr. Larry Widjaja. He realized that Biogreen Science is the answer for his future which can bring the future that he wants and it becomes his motivation.

At ACE 2018, he reached Junior Master and he also said to other people to see Biogreen Science not as a business but also for its effect that can cure people’s disease through its product. It’s not only about selling the product but also sharing the product’s benefit to other people so, you are not only just selling and earning the money but also helping other people to cure and reach their dream. Jhon also feels that where he can reach his dream and help other people.

For newly-joined people, Jhon hopes that people can see the product’s benefit and capability that can help other people in financial and health problem. He would like to say thank you for Mr. Larry Widjaja as the Founder and CEO of Biogreen Science, Biogreen Science Management, and Susan Barlin who brings the product to Philippine which has changed many people’s life.



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